Sunday, 16 August 2009

Imperial Guard - Cadians

Second photo-dump of the day. My Cadians. In better repair than my Space Marines, due to not being as old. Still not sure about the colour scheme, it was purely functional to allow the army to quickly be used. Also the simple grey + black left me at a loss for vehicles, hence the rather plain sentinels and the confused demolition vehicles. The Basilisk is unfinished and broken because it was originally from my Catachan army, which is now being used as the basis for a fully converted army, and the Basilisk fits in better with the fluff for the Cadians.

Command Squad. Flag was because it was some football thing at the time. No idea if it is a legal squad now. Originally they were all veterans, one with an honorifica Imperialis (I think) and a power weapon, along with attached psychic person (I forget what he's called).

Other Command Squad. Both Command Squads were to be fully armed with modified plasma pistols (I was told this was a rather reckless idea, but I like it!)

Infantry Squads.


Basilisk. Those are how many kills it has actually got, so I didn't paint over that part. Interesting fact, it's first kill was Asdrubael Vect! My brand new Basilik and my friend's brand new Vect lined up alongside our regular armies. Turn one, BOOM! Direct hit, roll 6's, happy days! (for me, my friend wasn't so happy, he'd been going on about Asdrubael Vect for weeks before!).

Forge World Cyclops Demolition Vehicles

Random bike I felt like making.


  1. Love that impaled dark eldar :)

  2. Thanks! One of my main opponents used to use dark eldar, so always fun to use trophies from his army :P


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